The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Extra-ordinary volunteering: young people experience life in the developing world

Howard Lake | 26 May 2009 | News

Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June 2009

Young adults aged 18-25 from across the UK have a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to travel to a developing country with a free volunteering project, Platform2.

The £10 million scheme is aimed at raising awareness of global development among young British adults from less advantaged backgrounds who would not normally be able to afford to volunteer overseas.


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The three-year scheme, funded by the Department for International Development, invites 2,500 participants to experience the reality of development work in countries including South Africa, Ghana, Peru and India.

During their 10-week placement, volunteers live and work in local communities on a range of projects including teaching children in schools, conservation programmes and construction work. Volunteers live with local families and are encouraged to interact with the community and learn about the issues faced by people in their host country.

On their return to the UK, the volunteers attend three-day residential workshops where they share their experiences and learn how to raise awareness of development issues within their own communities. Many Platform2 participants have become involved in local volunteer work once back in the UK.

Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development, said: ‘This scheme aims to give young British adults the chance to make a valuable contribution to the lives of people overseas who are blighted by poverty. By living and working with people from very different backgrounds, facing very different challenges, they will learn new skills and help unlock the potential within them to become better global citizens.’

For more information on Platform2, or to apply, visit


For photos or press information contact Amanda Burney at Christian Aid on 0800 9886828 or email


Notes to editor

Platform2 empowers 18-25 year olds in the UK to make a real difference to the lives of those in poor countries, through volunteering abroad and raising awareness of development issues back home. It benefits the individual taking part as it gives these young volunteers the opportunity to use their skills, talents and creativity in the host nation and highlight development issues on their return.

Volunteers will spend 10 weeks in developing countries such as Ghana, South Africa and Peru at no financial cost to them, as this scheme is funded by the Department for International Development.

Platform2 is a global volunteering experience from the Department for International Development and run by Christian Aid and BUNAC (British Universities North America Club)

Find out more about Platform2 at

