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Remember A Charity Launch New Humour-Led Legacy Campaign

Hearse inside an ice cream van, followed by mourners in cars
Remember A Charity uses humour in its legacy campaign
Soft Ice Cream

Remember A Charity airs its groundbreaking humour-led TV advertising campaign for the first time this week. The TV advertisements will be built around campaign key messages including ‘family first, charity second’, and are based on a ‘memorable last wishes’ theme, with two distinctive creative executions, ‘ice cream van’ and ‘bat out of hell’.
Remember A Charity’s TV advertising campaign will be aired for five weeks from 31st March 2009 on Channel Four, as well as GOLD, ITV3, UKTV History, and UKTVDrama. This activity will be complemented though an integrated campaign by additional advertising and PR activity in a range of broadcast and print media. A relaunch of the consumer section of Remember A Charity’s website will support the new drive. The advertising campaign was devised by Touch DDB.
Stephen George, Chair of Remember A Charity, commented:
“We are hugely excited about the first airing of our new TV advert. It marks the culmination of an intensive research and development phase for Remember A Charity which started with the commissioning of extensive research.
“We want to normalise leaving gifts in wills and create talkability– this approach gives us the means to introduce the subject in a new way to a wider audience.
“Our research told us that humour used in an affectionate or gentle way is appropriate, and in both versions of the advertisement we have been careful to use humour sensitively.
“Our research gives us confidence that we’ve got the balance right. It’s certainly very different to anything we have seen in legacy fundraising in the UK or anywhere else.”
The campaign will air for an initial burst in the spring and at various points in the year. Supporting PR will be used across all target media and an awareness week for member charities in the early autumn will be used to engage members and the public.
Remember A Charity’s new approach is based on social marketing principles that focus on understanding and changing behaviour. The overall aim of Remember A Charity’s campaign is to make charitable giving in wills a social norm.
Remember A Charity Press Office:
Diana Mackie Tel. 020 7840 1027/ 07793 803721


For a still taken from the new Remember A Charity adverts, please contact the Remember A Charity press office.
1. Remember A Charity
Remember A Charity ( is a consortium of over 140 charities, working together to raise awareness of charitable legacies. Remember A Charity aims to increase legacy income to UK charities and the number of people including a charity in their will. The consortium is hosted by the Institute of Fundraising.
2. Institute of Fundraising
The Institute of Fundraising ( represents fundraisers and fundraising throughout the UK and is committed to the highest standards in fundraising management and practice. The Institute of Fundraising is the largest individual representative body in the voluntary sector with 4800 Individual members and 280 Organisational members.



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