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The Phone Room to handle Comic Relief donations

Doing Something Funny for Money for Red Nose Day
Doing Something Funny for Money for Red Nose Day
Doing Something Funny For Money For Red Nose Day

Oxford-based telephone fundraising agency The Phone Room will be one of the official donation centres for this year’s Comic Relief campaign.
Over 100 staff will be volunteering their time to staff 65 lines as Red Nose Day culminates in the evening of comedy and documentary films on BBC One.
Call centres are at the heart of donations to Comic Relief. Over half of the £40 million raised for Red Nose Day 2007 came from telephone donations.
Rebekah Sammut, Managing Director at The Phone Room said: “I am very pleased that Comic Relief has selected The Phone Room to be one of their official call centres. We hope to make this a really fun night for all our volunteers whilst raising money for a great cause.”
The Phone Room will also be holding its own Red Nose Day events to raise funds during the day.



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