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Abbey staff to mentor Age Concern chief executives

Howard Lake | 2 February 2009 | News

Executives from retail bank Abbey are to mentor four Chief Executives in Age Concerns across London, with the aim of sharing best practice against the background of recession, increased competition, and the charity’s merger with Help the Aged.
The year-long programme will involve personal and group mentoring sessions.
Abbey executives will provide insight into how the company managed change when Santander took them over in 2004, as well as in light of the recent acquisitions of Bradford and Bingley and Alliance and Leicester.
Abbey’s Head of Talent Management, Caroline Curtis said: “Through this collaboration, we can provide essential insight on major organisational change which we hope will provide effective best practice approaches for Age Concerns in London.
“For our Executives, it is a brilliant opportunity to develop and improve the key leadership skill of mentoring and so enhance self-awareness through personal coaching thus underpinning our commitment to developing individuals with potential.”

