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Hermione Norris promotes Woodland Trust's card recycling scheme

Howard Lake | 7 January 2009 | News

Hermione Norris digging for the Woodland Trust
Actor Hermione Norris digs for the Woodland Trust

Hermione Norris launches Christmas Card Recycling Mission for the Woodland Trust at Coram's Fields, London

‘Spooks’ and ‘Cold Feet’ actress Hermione Norris is asking people to recycle Christmas cards to help the Woodland Trust plant thousands of trees.

Last year people dropped off 73.6 million cards at branches of WHSmith, Tesco, TK Maxx and Marks and Spencer, which supported the charity’s initiative, raising enough money to plant 17,000 trees.


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All the cards collected during January are taken to paper mills where they are recycled into new products, with the money raised helping the Woodland Trust to plant thousands of new trees in some of its 1,000 UK woods.

