CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

Wanted – thoughts from Marketers and communications people

Howard Lake | 19 November 2008 | Blogs

A friend recommended a new online presentation-cum-video tool and I’m dying to know what others think of it.

The tool is called Animoto – take a quick look and play if you have the time.  It’s relatively easy to use and is free for individuals.  Even for organisations, the pricing is very low. 

I played for around 25 minutes (inlduing upload time) to create the penguin’s adventures as a rough and ready example:


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Have you come across any better alternatives in terms of value for money, quality, ease of use.  If so, I’f be grateful to hear about them. 

PLEASE let me know what you think (about the penguin, his friends and the tool, if you like!).

