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TV and Radio

Howard Lake | 16 April 2008 | Blogs

If I had a television, I would probably watch “Britain’s Rich List Give It Away”, (ITV 1, 9pm 24th April, 2008). Businessman Duncan Bannatyne (Dragons’ Den, etc) is due to interview other multi-millionaires about how much they give to charities. Apparently Jamie Oliver, Kelly Osbourne, David James and Sir Tom Hunter are among those lined up to be interviewed.
Well, as soon as we finally finish decorating the living room, we’ll definitely think about getting that TV, er, probably. Meanwhile, I’ll make do with Rosie Millard’s ‘Rosie and the Non-Doms’, on BBC Radio Four on Saturday 19th April at 10.30am – 11am.
Apparently the “non doms” tax status was created to fund the Napoleonic Wars. Rosie Millard had an article on “non doms” published in The Times on 13th April, 2008.
Thank goodness for the radio.

