Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Widget code for Bryan Miller's Givinginadigitalworld blog

Howard Lake | 29 November 2007 | News

Bryan Miller’s Givinginadigitalworld is currently the most popular blog on UK Fundraising. Bryan has created a widget to enable you to add the latest posts from the blog to your blog, social networking page or website.

Bryan created the widget using the free resource of Widgetbox.

You can choose to display the blog feed in a narrow or wider box, include or exclude images, and choose from a range of colours to help it fit in with your site or page’s design.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

So, now you can keep up to date with Bryan’s latest thoughts on web 2.0 and fundraising and other digital fundraising developments, all from the comfort of your own blog or social networking page.

Of course, you can use widgetbox yourself to generate a widget for your charity or organisation’s blog, to help it gain a larger readership.

