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US plans Irish philanthropy conference

Howard Lake | 30 September 2007 | News

The US ambassador to Ireland has announced that they will be co-hosting a conference in Dublin next February to bring together US philanthropists and philanthropic organisations in Ireland to share ideas. The announcement was made by Ambassador Thomas Foley in a letter to the Irish Times.

Mr Foley said he hoped that the US philanthropic model can serve as a reservoir of experience and ‘lessons learned’ from which Ireland can borrow in developing its own model. Mr Foley said he hoped the conference would help Ireland develop a philanthropic infrastructure to match its new giving potential.

Mr Foley said private philanthropy required three elements: a culture of generosity, private financial capacity and philanthropic infrastructure. The conference he hopes will address the latter.


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The US ambassador is involved in numerous charitable activities focusing on the arts and educational opportunities for children. Mr. Foley recently served as a Trustee of The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington and two Connecticut State Commissions involving education and children’s rights.

