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Led Zeppelin concert to benefit charity

Howard Lake | 19 September 2007 | News

The announcement that rock band Led Zeppelin is reforming to perform a concert in memory of their former record company boss Ahmet Ertegun and to raise funds for a charitable foundation initially caused the promotional website to crash due to the number of visits.

Promoter Harvey Goldsmith said that the site had received “one billion hits” and that the available tickets were many times oversubscribed.

The concert will take place on 26 November at the O2, better known as the Millennium Dome.


An introduction to AI for charity professionals by Ross Angus

Proceeds raised from the concert will go to a music trust being set up in memory of Mr Ertegun. The Ahmet Education Fund is a charitable fund which is administered by The City Charity Trust with the aim of establishing university educational bursaries.

