JCL recruits Vitalise as Charity of the Year

Howard Lake | 2 September 2007 | News

The JCL umbrella group has chosen Vitalise as its Charity of the Year and will fundraise throughout the year to benefit the charity.

Fundraising will start in September with a launch event at the Rocket Bar in London and will continue throughout the year. JCL has set a target of £10,000 and results will be recorded on a web barometer on the company website.

All proceeds will go towards Vitalise’s work providing essential breaks for disabled adults, children and carers at its five accessible Centres in the UK. Some JCL staff will also volunteer to work for a day at one of Vitalise’s Centres so that they can see some of the results of their fundraising.


The sponsorship is a first for JCL, which recruits staff in the financial, insurance and IT fields.

