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The future of face-to-face fundraising

Howard Lake | 22 July 2007 | News

A new conference looking at the future of face-to-face fundraising is taking place in London on 27 September.

The conference entitled ‘Where now for face-to-face fundraising?’ will be held at City University.

Organised by fundraising sector specialist Back Page Books, this unique event will look at how the face-to-face marketplace has changed, how it is affected by new regulation and legislation and what the future may hold.


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“Face-to-face is still one of the most cost-effective techniques in a fundraiser’s armoury,” said Penny Stephens, director of Back Page Books. “We know that it has been phenomenally successful for charities over the last 10 years or so, and it continues to bring in hundreds of thousands of new donors and millions of pounds each year. But it’s a high profile form of fundraising and it also comes under the media microscope more often than other techniques.”

Supported by the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) and chaired by its chief executive Mick Aldridge, the conference will address questions such as:

*Who are our donors and how do we look after them?

*What will the Charities Act mean for face-to-face?

*Is in-house face-to-face feasible, or must we always outsource?

*Should we be looking at attrition or retention?

*New forms of face-to-face: are they damaging the sector?

*What does F2F fundraising look like in other countries, Europe and further afield, and what can we learn from them?

Speakers will include Michael Naidu of Mencap, Jenny Sheriff of Sustrans, Anne-Marie Piper of Farrers, Patrick Brennan of nfpSynergy, Daryl Upsall of Daryl Upsall Consulting International and Ian MacQuillin of Turner PR.

Places are limited at this event and early booking is advised.

