Legacy survey paints mixed picture

Howard Lake | 25 March 2007 | News

An annual survey of legacy income from a sample of twenty Irish charities shows that while the number of legacies is down, the overall value has increased by 6.7% between 2003 and 2004. The survey is undertaken by the Public Communications Centre.

The objective of the research is to help develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the scale and nature of legacy fundraising in the Republic of Ireland. The survey, which includes some of the biggest charities in Ireland, counts the total value of legacies, the number and their percentage of total income of the charity.

Other findings of the survey include:
–Annual legacy income has increased by 118% from 1999 from ‚€5,392,420 to ‚€11,742,793 in 2004.
–The St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) continues to raise considerably more than all other charities participating in the survey. In 2004 its legacy income accounted for 46% of the total.
–Trócaire, for the first time, has overtaken Concern and moved into second place.
–The Community/Anti-Poverty and International Aid/Human Rights groups of organisation share the bulk of legacy incomes with 47% and 44% in 2004, respectively.


The number of bequests declined by 8% from 345 to 316 between 2003 and 2004, with 2004 the first year the number of bequests declined. The average bequest value various greatly between organisations. The highest single value is SVP at ‚€61,389, followed by the Red Cross at ‚€49,443.

