Alliance magazine becomes independent
On 1 January 2007 publication of Alliance magazine was transferred from Allavida to a new independent organization, Alliance Publishing Trust (APT), which is a UK charitable company. Alliance magazine started life in 1998 with Charities Aid Foundation, before moving to the newly formed Allavida in 2001. After five years of growth within Allavida, Alliance is now ready for the next stage of its development – full independence.
APT will have close relationships with the Network of European Foundations and the European Foundation Centre, which are both playing key roles in supporting the future development of Alliance. NEF has agreed to put up a guarantee fund equivalent to APT’s annual budget for general operations. The guarantee fund, to be held by NEF, will be available to Alliance in times of budgetary shortfalls and in transition periods. ‘The importance of having this kind of financial security can’t be overstated,’ said Caroline Hartnell, Editor of Alliance. ‘It gives us the time we need to establish the new organization and develop new income sources.’
The relationship with the European Foundation Centre will also be an extremely valuable one. ‘It will help Alliance achieve the greater visibility and wider opportunities for dissemination that we need,’ said Hartnell. Both organizations are absolutely committed to Alliance’s continuing to be fully editorially independent.
APT’s first Trustees are Rien van Gendt, Gerry Salole and David Carrington.
Meanwhile, important changes are taking place at Allavida, which will increasingly be playing the role of ‘social broker’, facilitating philanthropic and social investments in development partners and the communities with which they work.
For more information, visit or contact Caroline Hartnell, Editor of Alliance, on +44 20 8772 0462 or at ca*******@al******.org
For more information about Allavida, contact Jon Edwards, Allavida’s Chief Operating Officer, on +44 1252 737 504 or at jo*******@al******.org
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