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Spinal Injuries Campaign Boosted by Pro Bono Support

Howard Lake | 15 December 2006 | News

The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) campaign to protect specialist NHS services for spinal cord injured people has been highlighted at a high-profile reception in the House of Commons. The event, attended by a large number of MPs and Peers, follows a year long campaign to focus political attention on the issues, boosted by pro bono lobbying support from one of the leading political consultancies in the field.
Whitehouse Consultancy has been providing pro bono support to the SIA throughout 2006 on a campaign to protect and upgrade services provided through a small number of NHS spinal cord injury centres. The specialist public affairs agency was able to use its strong background in the health sector to undertake an accelerated programme of activity, culminating with the reception on the House of Commons Terrace.
More than a hundred guests listened to speakers, including the sponsor, Dr Roger Berry MP, highlight the shrinking number of specialist beds and call for urgent Government action to protect high risk patients.
Over 75 cross-party MPs have signed an Early Day Motion supporting the SIA campaign and expressing concern at the practice of treating spinal cord injured people in non-specialist hospitals. The SIA, which represents 40,000 spinal cord injured people, will be raising these concerns directly with the Minister, Ivan Lewis MP, in a meeting in January.
Paul Smith, Executive Director of the SIA said:
“When we submitted the SIA’s pro bono application to Whitehouse we never realised fully just how much of an impact they would have. The profile of SIA with politicians and civil servants has been raised hugely by Whitehouse.
“They have guided us carefully, taking into account the limited resources we have. They have provided excellent advice and have been hands-on with the campaigning activities – we could not have asked for more. In addition they have left us a lasting legacy and enabled us to continue our vital work after the pro bono period has ended. We would like to express our thanks to the Whitehouse team for their support.”
Chris Whitehouse, Managing Director, of the Whitehouse Consultancy said “We are proud to lead the way in offering pro bono services and particularly pleased with what we have been able to achieve with the SIA. With some support, the charity has proved itself to be a consummate operator able to punch well above its weight in the public policy environment.
“We now look forward to renewing the pro bono programme and working with another organisation in the coming year. We will be making an exciting announcement on this front soon.”
For more information, please contact:
Richard Robinson, Whitehouse Consultancy
020 7463 0696


Notes to Editors:
1. The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) is the national charity for spinal cord injured (SCI) people. It was founded in 1974 and today has over 5000 SCI members. Further details are available through
2. The Whitehouse Consultancy is one of the fastest-growing public affairs agencies, advising clients how to approach, inform and influence key decision-makers in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels. Its clients include Field Studies Council, I CAN, Holland & Barrett, Ajinomoto, Assura Group, Volunteer Reading Help, Slimming World and the All Party Parliamentary Media Group.
3. Whitehouse launched their pro bono programme in October 2005, offering a year free consultancy services to one successful applicant as part of the agency’s corporate social responsibility approach. The SIA was selected to benefit from the pro bono offer on the basis of a strong and focussed application and the passion and drive of the SIA team.
4. The applications process for the Whitehouse pro bono programme for 2007 has now closed. Future opportunities will be advertised through the website
Richard Robinson
The Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd
Specialists in Public and Parliamentary Affairs
Southbank House,
Black Prince Road London SE1 7SJ
Tel: Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7463 0690
Tel: Direct line: +44 (0)20 7463 0696
Fax: +44 (0)20 7463 0691
Whitehouse Europe
rue Wiertz 50/28, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 401 87 98
Fax: +32 (0)2 401 68 68
Members of the Association of Professional Political Consultants

