CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA Associates to earn commission on gift certificates

Howard Lake | 14 December 2006 | News

Charities and other website publishers that earn commission on sales they generate via can now earn commission on Amazon gift certificates. In the run-up to Christmas, this could prove a useful tool to boost income for Amazon Associates.

As told its Associates today via email, “For visitors to your Web site who do not know what to give for Christmas or who have missed our delivery cut-off dates, gift certificates are the perfect gift!”

Associates can earn a 6% referral fee for each gift certificate sale that they generate.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Amazon is offering four banner ads to Associates to help them promote the offer in 120×90, 468×60, 234×60, and 728×90 pixel sizes e.g.

Text links are also available. has two other pre-Christmas offers currently. Associates building a new sStore (an automatically updated store that can be branded to fit within an Associate’s website) can enter a competition to win £1,000, and they will enjoy an additional 4% for all items they sell via their store until the end of year.

In addition, Associates building Self-Optimising Links (which “automatically use your Web site’s content to generate relevant ads for your Web site”) will earn an “additional 5% referral fees” until 31 December 2006.

This is UK Fundraising’s example:

When it went live, the above books didn’t have anything to do with fundraising, but this should change in due course.

If your charity’s Amazon Associates page or pages have not been updated recently, now could be a good time to give them a quick Christmas makeover and boost your income from this tool.

