ICT Hub tenders for paper briefing funders on funding ICT

Howard Lake | 14 November 2006 | News

The ICT Hub is inviting tenders to write a briefing paper for funders on funding information and communications technology (ICT).

The briefing paper, to be written avoiding jargon, is designed to provide funders with a useful outline of things to consider when approached by voluntary and community organisations (VCO’s) with an ICT project/initiative or when wanting to fund ICT as a funder.

The ICT Hub has already published a related publication, ‘How to Cost and Fund’. The Hub hopes that this second paper will complete the circle, ensuring that both funders and voluntary organisations realise the importance of the total cost of ICT.


The guide will be written in plain English (no jargon) so that it is easy to use by the audience.

A total budget of £3,000 including VAT is available for the development of this briefing paper. It will be available to download on the ICT Hub website as well as a printed brochure. The ICT Hub will cover the costs for producing and disseminating the brochure.

The deadline for this invitation to tender 15 December 2006.

