CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

NCVO to research issues of ICT and accountability in voluntary and community sectors

Howard Lake | 19 September 2006 | Blogs

Karl Wilding, Head of Research at NCVO, and a colleague report that they are looking at the ways in which some of the new information and communication technologies are shaping issues of accountability for the voluntary and community / nonprofit sector. They are keen to learn of any research in this area to date.
This could prove particularly useful for new media fundraisers, especially when you look at the type of issues they are interested in:
* user empowerment – the potential for more genuine, transparent dialogues
* role of intermediaries – perception that a new type of intermediary (built on more widely available digitised data) is emerging and that these bodies are likely to play a role in making organisations accountable
* sharing and storing data – increased capacity to hold data and mash it with other sources generates potential concerns over monitoring and evaluation – do the new technologies have the capacity to address concerns regarding the burden of reporting…or will they introduce new styles of reporting (or even further emphasise the importance of quantification)
* other agendas we should be looking at?
Karl adds that this is part of a broader area of work on the emerging relationship between ICT and the sector.
If you can help, get in touch with him.

