Institute to develop first direct mail code

Howard Lake | 24 August 2006 | News

The Institute of Fundraising is to develop the first direct mail code of fundraising practice and is setting up a working party to achieve this.

The code will cover legal and best practice issues related to dm fundraising; the use of incentives’ communications and content; data protection; relevant standards from the DMA code and the Advertising Standards Authority’s non-broadcast code and their relation to the new code. It will also review the code of fundraising practice on ‘reciprocal charity mailings and consider whether it should be incorporated into the new code.

Nominations to join the working party have to be submitted to the institute by Friday 1 September with the first meeting due to take place in September. The Institute will select a chair from the applications received. Applicants should have knowledge and experience of dm fundraising, a knowledge of the IoF Codes of Practice and the time to commit to the process.


