Analysis in Fundraising group to look at why donors really give

Howard Lake | 23 August 2006 | News

The next meeting of the Institute of Fundraising’s Analysis in Fundraising Special Interest Group will focus on the potential of Psychographic Donor Analysis to help fundraisers understand why donors really give.

“Wouldn’t it be great to know what was going through the minds of your donors when they give you their money?” asks Group Chair John Sauvé-Rodd. “Crucial insight into why people really respond to your cause can have a profound effect on your messages, targeting and results.”

To address this issue the Group has invited specialist psychographic marketing consultancy ESP to present their findings in developing a practical and accurate method for capturing the personality and motivational preferences of donors.


ESP will share how they discovered ways to link research, to analyse and quantify the impact of creative treatments and how these simple processes can help develop and target much more effective communications to donors.

Guest speakers Jim Bracklin and Glyn Parry, ESP Ltd; and Alison Cowan, Director of Development, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, will explore the potential for database marketing using motivational research methods in the nonprofit sector, using case studies from the BUAV, Great Ormond Street Hospital and others.

The meeting, “Discovering Why Donors Really Give”, will be held on 13 September 2006, from 16.30pm to 10.00 at the Phoenix Artist’s Club, 1 Phoenix Street, London WC2H 0DT.

Places are limited to 35. Institute of Fundraising members can attend for £10, with non-members paying £13.

To reserve a place contact the Treasurer.

