Cascaid helps WSPA launch 'Farmwatch' campaign against factory farming

Howard Lake | 18 July 2006 | News

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) has launched a major lobbying and consumer awareness campaign, Farmwatch, to end the cruelty suffered by billions due to “the world’s biggest cause of animal cruelty – factory farming”. Charity specialist agency Cascaid is assisting WSPA with the fundraising elements of the campaign.

Cascaid has developed an emotive call-to-action mailing which targets WSPA’s existing donor base. The warm appeal is rolling out this month and features two asks. First, WSPA asks donors to to support Farmwatch with a cash gift or regular committed monthly gift, and secondly, to become a ‘compassionate shopper’ by avoiding buying meat products from factory farmed animals.

A ‘How To’ guide is provided in the pack encouraging consumers to be aware, ‘read the label’, and choose to shop at supermarkets that have cruelty-free policies.


Alan Clayton, managing director of Cascaid, explained the approach: “We are offering people something a bit different to your usual fundraising appeal. We want them to really feel involved and to be able to see how their support is making a difference.

“We want to encourage them to continue campaigning – both with financial donations and in helping WSPA to change attitudes around purchasing through their own buying decisions and the influence they may have on family and friends too. It’s going to be a long fight to eradicate the horrific cruelties in factory farming but it has to start now, great things start small.”

Cold acquisition activity and additional media channels including DRTV are being considered to develop the campaign.

WSPA this year celebrates its 25th anniversary.

