New President for Rotary International GB and Ireland

Howard Lake | 2 July 2006 | News

Coventry businessman Peter L Offer has been inaugurated as President of service organisation Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland.

Mr Offer will lead 58,000 Rotarians in 1,845 clubs across Great Britain and Ireland who are committed to service in communities at home and abroad.

At his inauguration in Coventry on 1 July, the new President announced four new partnerships for the year ahead. He said: “The theme for the year is continuity and co-operation and I am delighted to announce four new partnerships.


“Firstly, we will be supporting the Institute of Cancer Research to help raise awareness of the many cancers and hopefully save lives by earlier detection.

“The second community charity is a partnership with Barnardos which has a broad social support programme for young people.

“On the international front we shall be working with The Impact Foundation, which gives medical help and education in many areas including Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Africa.

“The second international charity is the Wheelchair Foundation which provides wheelchairs to those in need in Africa and Eastern Europe.

The first Rotary Club was founded by Paul Harris in Chicago, USA on 23 February 1905. Rotary now has clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas and a membership of 1.2 million business men and women.

