CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

11th edition of Guide to European Funding published

The ECAS guide provides a focal point, covering all potential EU funds in a practical handbook. This includes tips on how to apply, whom to contact for further information on each programme and lots of links to websites and email addresses at different geographical levels.

It is divided in 5 sections as follows:

– EU funding – How is the EU’s budget decided upon? What does it take to be a successful EU fundraiser? What to look for when filling out funding applications.
– Foundations – How do European foundations function? How can your organization receive co-funding from independent foundations and corporations?
– Structural funds, Cohesion Funds- How do Structural funds work and how can they be accessed? How can you increase your chances of accessing Structural Funds?
– Internal Budget Lines – Which lines are open to NGOs? Who to contact? Areas covered: Environment, education and culture, health, employment & social affairs and civil society.
– External Budget Lines – Which lines are open to NGOs? Is your organization eligible? What is the status of the deconcentration process? Areas covered: Humanitarian and development aid, human rights, refugees and different geographical areas.


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