Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

NLB includes most inaccessible website category in its website awards

Howard Lake | 2 March 2006 | News

The National Library for the Blind has introduced the category of most inaccessible website to its annual Visionary website awards, and the shortlist has been announced.

The shortlist for this new category includes the singer Kate Bush for her katebush.com site, and Disney World.

The winners of the fourth annual awards, which are designed to recognise website publishers who make their sites the most accessible to visually impaired people, will be announced today.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The shortlist for the Voluntary/Not for profit Sector award is:

* Disability in Camden www.discnwl.org.uk
* Karten Network www.karten-network.org.uk
* RNID www.rnid.org.uk
* Enham www.enham.org.uk
* Westbank Heritage www.westbankheritage.org.uk

