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Obituary: Sue Moodie

Howard Lake | 23 February 2006 | News

Sue Moodie, secretary of the Colchester Fundraisers’ Group, died last week.

Sue was one of the founder members of the Colchester Fundraisers Group and helped steer it through to its present successful form and increased membership. She was a professional grantmaker rather than a fundraiser, but regularly attended the meetings until very recently.

For many years she was the Village Hall Grants Adviser for the Rural Community Council of Essex and was well known and respected amongst the majority of villages in Essex.


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Fellow group founder Jennie Whiting, a fundraising consultant, said that she had the greatest admiration and respect for Sue: “she would never let you down”. She warmly welcomed many new members to the group, including UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake.

Sue died at St Helena’s Hospice, Colchester, after a long fight against ovarian cancer.

The funeral is to be held at 12.30pm on Friday 24 February at Colchester Crematorium and her husband John has said he would welcome anyone who would like to come. He has asked for family flowers only but any in memoriam donations should be made payable to St Helena Hospice.

