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Sue Brumpton to leave the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association

Howard Lake | 13 January 2006 | News

After more than three years in post, Sue Brumpton, Chief Executive of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association will be leaving in February 2006 to take the helm of disability equipment charity the Medical Engineering Resource Unit (MERU).

Sue Brumpton’s achievements at the PFRA include developing the organisation’s structure and uniting over one hundred charities and fundraising organisations together to ensure that the quality, integrity and transparency of face-to-face fundraising is assured.

Much of her time at the PFRA has been spent building relationships with local authorities and the voluntary sector to ensure that face-to-face fundraising remains a viable, sustainable option for charities hoping to attract new regular donors.


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Most recently she has influenced the development of new charities legislation to ensure that it will provide the public with the reassurance they need that fundraising is properly regulated, without unnecessarily burdening charities. She has also been heavily involved in the development of self-regulation for fundraising.

