Ireland Funds application deadline nears

Howard Lake | 5 December 2005 | News

The Ireland Funds is reminding organisations that its deadline for applications is 31st January 2006. The Ireland Funds will accept applications from groups working in Arts & Culture, Community Development, Education and Peace and Reconciliation.

Each category is accorded the same importance. Below is a summary of the areas of interest under the different headings

Arts and Culture
The Funds wish to support excellence and innovation in arts activities within communities across the island and especially projects which make the arts more accessible to the wider community. In particular, The Ireland Funds will focus on the following:
– Arts applied in settings of socio-economic disadvantage
– Arts applied in educational or health settings
– Arts promoting tolerance and reconciliation.


Community Development
Ireland is undergoing tremendous economic, social and cultural changes. The Ireland Funds are seeking ways to promote an inclusive and integrated society and to ensure the regeneration of marginalised urban and rural communities. The Funds see the following areas as priorities:
– Suicide prevention and the destigmatising of mental health issues
– Promotion of social inclusion
– Promotion of tolerance and diversity
– Support of rural development initiatives.

Investment in education is investment in Ireland’s future. Economic and social development depends on a well educated population. For this reason, The Ireland Funds will focus on programmes promoting and supporting:
– Access and progression from second level to third level
– Lifelong learning
– Tolerance through education.

Peace and Reconciliation
The Ireland Funds are seeking to support communities in Northern Ireland working together and towards a shared future. The skills and culture of negotiation and compromise need to be honed politically and organisationally within and between communities. To this end, programmes supporting the following areas have been prioritised for assistance:
– Citizenship and participation
– A greater understanding of cultural identity within and between communities
Social Inclusion
– Support for those affected by the troubles.

