Course to give guidance on maximising income
Using the latest Full Cost Recovery Model designed by ACEVO and New Philanthropy Capital, a ‘Full Cost Recovery’ course in planned for Belfast in January. The course is seen as a valuable tool for people within voluntary organisations who put together contracts and funding applications.
The one day course delivered by Sayer Vincent Consultants and Auditors and facilitated by NICVA’s Management Development Programme uses the Full Cost Recovery toolkit – a resource pack and software to help realistically budget for organisational and project costs.
Judith Miller, who delivers the course, has worked with the Association of Charitable Foundations, Victim Support, NCVO, Whizz Kids and Guidestar and has considerable experience of the voluntary and community sector.
Neil Irwin, Member Services Manager at NICVA, found the course extremely valuable and would highly recommend it to other fundraisers, managers, finance officers and treasurers.
The next Full Cost Recovery training takes place on 26 January 2006 and is a good opportunity to gain practical ./guidance on costing the full cost of projects and activities – so organisations no longer short change themselves.
Register by contacting Roisin Kelly on tel: 028 9087 7777, email: ro**********@ni***.org.
The course is subsidised by 75% making it great value and participants also receive a free copy of the software, valued at £30.