Inland Revenue speaker at Fisk Brett Gift Aid seminars
Charity software specialists Fisk Brett are holding two seminars in conjunction with the Inland Revenue looking at the practicalities of running a Gift Aid scheme and how to maximise the income from this method of tax effective giving.
An Inland Revenue representative will be the key speaker at the events and they will be focusing on which activities are eligible for Gift Aid.
In particular they’ll cover areas which often generate confusion over Gift Aid including auctions, dinners, sponsorship, and treks. They will show delegates the tests that can be applied to calculate whether an activity is eligible. They will also discuss how you can obtain, record, and store declarations and how you can submit claims and keep audit trails.
The seminars take place on 16 and 22 March from 11.00 to 14.00 at NCVO’s offices in London. The fee is £95 which includes lunch and refreshments.
These seminars are the first in a programme of seminars that Fisk Brett intend to run throughout the year looking at the key issues affecting charities today and into the future.