Some advice to PR agencies

Howard Lake | 18 February 2005 | News

Professional Fundraising magazine and UK Fundraising recently lamented the poor quality of charities’ fundraising PR, at least to the trade press. It seems that there is little sign of improvement.

UK Fundraising thrives on receiving useful tips and news releases from fundraisers, fundraising agencies and their PR colleagues, whether in-house or at an external agency. However, we find the overall quality of their work to be poor. Worse, some of them clearly don’t actually read this publication which they try so hard to get their clients featured in.

UK Fundraising echoed Professional Fundraising magazine’s lament of the state of the fundraising press release back in September 2004. We also added our own recommendations on how charities’ fundraising PR people could help us help their clients.


While some have acted on it, many haven’t, so we are once again requesting the following from PR staff and agencies:

To those professional PR agencies that send us well-crafted, well-timed and interesting news items – thank you: you know you’re not included in this call to action. To everyone else, and to the charities that pay for this level of service, please ponder these suggestions. Assuming you’re actually reading this, and not just blasting us with all your charity news releases because you found us on Media Disk…

Of course, if there’s anything UK Fundraising can do to make fundraising PR people’s task easier, let us know.

