Putting the boot in for charity at Christmas

Howard Lake | 9 December 2004 | News

Giving Welly logo, with two wellington boots as the letters L

The Hunter green wellington boot is 50 years old and to mark the occasion the company has introduced different-coloured special edition boots which will raise funds for eight charities.

Hunter has launched the “Giving Welly” campaign which will raise funds for a range of charities from the sale of seven special coloured Hunter boots. It has guaranteed each charity that they will receive at least £10,000 over the twelve months of the campaign.

The British Lung Foundation, for example, will benefit from sales of red wellies, on the grounds that its balloon logo is red. Other colour boots will benefit the Woodland Trust, Haven Breast Cancer, Marie Curie Cancer Care, the Game Conservancy Trust, the Rainbow Trust and the British Horse Society.


For every pair of wellies purchased, half is credited to the charity, while the remaining half is credited to a general charity pot which will be divided equally among all the partner charities at the end of the campaign. In addition Welland Valley Feeds have agreed to donate an extra £2.50 per pair of charity boots sold.

