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Internet fundraising code of practice reviewed

Howard Lake | 10 November 2004 | News

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake is once again part of the volunteer working party that is updating the Institute of Fundraising’s code of practice on Fundraising on the Internet.

Howard worked on the first version of the code in 2001, and helped select the team of expert volunteers who formed the working party. Having strongly encouraged charities to use the Internet for fundraising since 1994, he was keen to see a nationally-agreed code of practice on the subject.

Since Internet technologies and practice have continued to develop, it was always envisaged that the code would be updated from time to time. So far the working party has agreed that the new code should include other digital media such as SMS.


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The working party is being chaired by Sarah Hughes, head of new media strategy at CAF, who was one of the original version’s working party. As well as Howard Lake, the current working party consists of Ted Hart, of the ePhilanthropy Foundation; Jason Potts of Think Consulting; Joe Saxton of nfpSynergy; Annabel Shawcross of NSPCC; and Lawrie Simanowitz of Bates, Wells and Braithwaite.

It is anticipated that the new code will be published in the first quarter of 2005.

