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Dell to allow consumers to donate used PCs to charity

Howard Lake | 23 September 2004 | News

Women in red top demonstrates Dell IT kit
Dell kit

Computer manufacturer Dell is to allow UK consumers the opportunity to donate their used PC systems to charity by selecting the ‘donate’ option within Dell’s
Recycling Web site, at no cost to the customer.

The service will be available by the
end of the year, say Dell, and initially only to UK consumer customers.

After selecting the ‘donate’ option they will then be transferred to the National Cristina Foundation’s UK partner, ReCOM, who will arrange the donation. ReCOM will place donated computers with partner charities: initially these will be located in the West
Midlands but the programme will then be rolled out throughout the UK.


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Pat Nathan, Dell’s global Sustainable Business Director, explained: “Dell has been working with the National Cristina Foundation in the U.S., Canada and Ireland to offer consumers the ability to donate old computer hardware to worthy causes.

“The new UK programme will mirror these initiatives, helping convert one person’s unwanted kit into a life expanding tool for those who have not previously had the benefit of such computer technology.”

The charitable donations programme is announced on the same day that Dell launches its UK recycling programme for all businesses and consumers. This anticipates by nearly a year the introduction of the
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) legislation which requires IT manufacturers to take responsibility for the disposal of their products.

