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AFP asks Congress to prohibit commission-based fundraising

The American Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) has asked the US Congress to prohibit commission-based or percentage-based compensation by fundraisers and fundraising consultants.

The recommendation came from AFP President and CEO Paulette V. Maehara to U.S. Senate Finance Chairman Charles Grassley and committee staff members at a roundtable on charity regulation on 22 July. “Few new initiatives could do as much to limit future fundraising abuses as outlawing percentage or commission-based fundraising,” she said.

Commission-based fundraising continues to excite passion amongst fundraisers in North America and the UK. It has regularly cropped up on the UK Fundraising Forum and set off heated debates.


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AFP was one of nearly 20 speakers at the roundtable. Although she covered other issues, such as encouraging better enforcement of non-profit legislation, Ms Maehara’s presentation at the roundtable focused on the abuses of percentage-based compensation for fundraisers.

In the UK the Institute of Fundraising does not recommend the payment of commission to fundraisers, suggesting a contract with a fixed fee as the preferred method of doing business.

