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New book on running social enterprises

John Pepin and Warren Tranquada have written a new reference guide giving practical tips on how non-profit organisations can build sustainable earned income.

“Succeeding with Social Enterprise” is a concise reference guide intended for non-profit organisations which are starting or already operating businesses which earn income. The book is divided into one-page sections, each with lists of tips on specific topics.

Areas covered in the 56-page booklet include most common types of business, reasons to create or buy a franchise, funding sources for social entrpreneurs, and criteria of venture philanthropy investors. The authors have intentionally kept their comments and advice concise: “it is not an academic paper”, says Pepin, “but rather a practical tool to be used on an ongoing basis.”


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The booklet follows the development of a social enterprise from finding the right idea to managing a mature operation.

The tips represent the experiences of John Pepin and Associates in working with its clients. The firm provides creative, innovative and entrepreneurial solutions to revenue diversification for non-profit organisations in North America and the UK.

The book costs £7.99 and is currently not available from but you can buy it from the Directory of Social Change.

