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First Chief Executive of the Charity Commission announced

Andrew Hind, chief operating officer of the BBC World Service, will become the Charity Commission’s first chief executive.

Andrew Hind will work with Chair, Geraldine Peacock, and the senior management team to develop the Commission’s enabling role
in light of the new Charities Bill for England and Wales.

He was a senior executive with ActionAid and Barnardo’s before moving to the BBC in 1995. He has also served as a trustee of several major charities, including VSO, the UK committee for UNICEF, the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and a number of small charities in his local community in north London.


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In 1988 he was a co-founder of the Charity Finance Directors’ Group – an organisation promoting excellence in financial management for charities. He is the author of “The Governance and Management of Charities” and a judge of the national Charity Awards.

