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Alan Milburn to chair draft Charities Bill committee

Howard Lake | 16 May 2004 | News

Former Health Secretary Alan Milburn MP will be the chairman of the new Joint Committee on the draft Charities Bill which will examine issues include the proposed regulation of fundraising.

The Joint Committee consists of six MPs and six peers. It will take oral and written evidence on the draft Charities Bill, which is expected to be published at the end of May 2004, and make its recommendations in a report by 30 September 2004.

The Committee expects to start taking oral evidence in early June. Alan Milburn said: “We are working to a tight timetable – not of our own choosing – and will have to start taking oral evidence soon after the draft Bill is published. We recognise this leaves little time for people to give us their views, but hope that many of the issues are already well known. A clear and concise paper will carry as much weight with us as the oral evidence we hear. The Joint Committee is especially keen to ensure that the views of small charities are taken into account.”


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The Joint Committee will concentrate its inquiry on the following themes:

If you wish to send in written evidence then you should do so sooner rather than later. The Joint Committee has asked larger charities to submit written evidence no later than 21 June and smaller charities by 28 June 2004. That said, written evidence received up to 15 July 2004 will still be taken into account.

