Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Donated food charity to expand into South West and South Wales

Howard Lake | 5 April 2004 | News

FareShare, the surplus food redistribution charity, is looking to expand into Bristol, the South West and South Wales due to the increasing volume of donated food.

According to the latest issue of NCVO’s
Sustainable Funding Project newsletter, more charities and voluntary groups could start to receive free food for their projects from FareShare. The charity distributes surplus, high quality food from retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers who would otherwise have to throw it away. Instead the food is passed on to 250 local charities to improve the health and well being of over 9,500 homeless and vulnerable people each year.

FareShare, originally set up by homelessness charity Crisis, operates from 8 centres in England and Scotland, so its expansion will no doubt prove valuable to organisations in south Wales and the South West.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

