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Yorkshire Dales sustainable development fund makes £1m in grants

Howard Lake | 30 March 2004 | News

A fund that helps promote sustainable projects in the Yorkshire Dales has secured and distributed £1 million in its first year.

The Sustainable Development Fund started last year in the Yorkshire Dales National Park to promote social, economic and environmental sustainability. It has already attracted just over £1 million which has been spent on a wide range of innovative projects, both large and small, such as the North Craven Composting Scheme, the Youth Hostels Community Recycling Project, and the Dales Renewable Energy Roadshow.

The Fund is administered by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust on behalf of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and supports projects and ideas that struggle to find funding elsewhere. These include feasibility studies and mobile equipment.


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DEFRA has confirmed that further funding will be available to the Authority in 2004/05.

Isobel Hall, Sustainable Development Fund Officer, said: “The Sustainable Development Fund is available to individuals, businesses, local authorities and community groups to support sustainable business ideas and community projects that will benefit the special environment of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

“Projects from outside the National Park can also be considered providing they can show a clear benefit to the area.

“Particular emphasis is placed upon involving young people, encouraging links between people from different backgrounds, and projects that test new ideas and promote best practice.”

