7,000 subscribers now receive UK Fundraising News

Howard Lake | 1 March 2004 | News

UK Fundraising News, our free fortnightly e-mail newsletter, attracted its 7,000th subscriber over the weekend.

We’re confident this is the largest and most current e-mail subscriber list for any fundraising publication in the UK. Published since February 2000, the e-mail newsletter is used by many subscribers to stay up to date with the many news items, job vacancies, discussion threads, and other items added to the UK Fundraising site each day.

The list consists of current subscribers only. If an issue of the newsletter is not delivered to a subscriber we try contacting them once again, and if we get no reply we delete the subscription.


Subscribers are primarily fundraisers, whether paid or unpaid, but they also include others with fundraising responsibility such as chief executives and trustees, and those with a professional interest in fundraising such as journalists, consultants and academics.

If you haven’t tried our free newsletter, available in HTML or plain text e-mail, please subscribe today. The next issue will be published tomorrow.

Each issue contains details of how to unsubscribe should you wish to.

