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Nude fundraising calendar blog

Fingers on a bare shoulder. Photo: Pexels.com
Photo by Ximena Mora from Pexels

We knew there were lots of nude fundraising calendars, but we didn’t know quite how many there were. Daniel Taylor does, and updates a blog with new examples he comes across.

Daniel Taylor’s Nude Calendar Watch is a blog that lists dozens of nude charity fundraising calendars created from 1999-2004, and with details of a few new calendars coming in 1995.

The examples are collected from around the world, and usually include a link for further information.


An introduction to AI for charity professionals by Ross Angus

The author seems as bemused about this phenomenon as we do, but dutifully reports on the wide range of individuals and organisations that are raising funds using this method.

Clearly this bandwagon ain’t broke…

