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GoodLot launches new online camel racing game for charity

Howard Lake | 4 February 2004 | News

GoodLot, the combined fundraising gaming and betting Web site, has launched a new camel racing game called, rather cheekily, ‘Camel Lot’.

Players can stake as little as 10p and win up to 100 times their stake in the animated Flash game. Five camels with names such as Nasty Nancy, Sandstorm and Couscous then race across the desert to the finish line.

GoodLot raises money for seven major humanitarian and environmental organisations including Amnesty International, UNICEF and Greenpeace. In addition, a proportion of funds is also given to the GoodFund, a non-profit foundation which directs donations to a range of charities including those endorsed by GoodLot’s Ambassadors Nelson Mandela, Anita Roddick, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nafis Sadik, Ruud Gullit and Anna Roosevelt.


GoodLot is operated by Novamedia, a European charity lottery and gaming operator. In the past ten years Novamedia’s charitable lotteries have raised 3 billion Euros for charity.

