New Statesman New Media Awards 2004 open for nominations
New Statesman is launching its search to find the best uses of new media in public life.
The judges for the awards will be looking for new media projects that are making a difference to local services, politics and communities. The key themes of this year’s
awards are “innovation, efficiency and modernisation”. The awards organisers say “we will award those who
have really achieved something good for society.” Entries will be considered on
wireless technology, Internet and, for the first time, intranet platforms.
The award categories are:
- Civic renewal
- Modernising government
- Elected representative
- Best secondary school ICT project
- Best primary school ICT project
- Community and information
- Innovation award
The Awards are this year reintroducing an Essay Prize. Essays should be no more
than 1,500 words on the theme of “How new media communications improve local
community life”.
Nominations for the awards are now open. The closing date for the essay prize is 31 April 2004. All other nominations close on 31 May 2004.