Spinal Research appoints Campaigns and DM Fundraiser

Howard Lake | 14 January 2004 | News

Karen Tierney has joined neuroscience charity Spinal Research in a newly created role of Campaigns and Direct Marketing Fundraiser.

She will be responsible for the development of a comprehensive communications and direct marketing strategy alongside evolving effective campaigns and appeals.

Spinal Research has had great success working in partnership with the British Equestrian Federation and their member bodies together with equestrians of all levels throughout the UK who have joined the Saddle Up Campaign. Similarly the British Motorcyclists Federation has supported Spinal Research since 2002. The charity wishes to continue to build on these areas and develop further relationships with other targeted groups.


“Whilst most spinal cord injuries are caused by road traffic accidents and falls, the synergy between those individuals that enjoy leisure or professional pursuits in the horse world, the motorbike arena and on the rugby pitch are of vital importance to Spinal Research,” explains the charity’s Head of Fundraising, Carol Borwick.

Karen joins Spinal Research from ChildLine where for four years as Direct Marketing Executive she was responsible for direct dialogue fundraising, direct mail and telemarketing for the committed givers.

