Jessops launches Click for Clic campaign

Howard Lake | 7 January 2004 | News

Photographic retailer Jessops aims to raise at least £50,000 this year for CLIC – Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood.

Jessops launched the campaign by supporting CLIC’s Win a day off work fundraising day on 12 December 2003 in which companies donate extra days holiday to raffle off amongst staff to raise funds. A Pyjama Party Event was held on the day for 500 staff at Jessops Head office in Leicester. The company has already presented the charity with a £5,000 cheque.

Jessops is planning further fundraising events both for employees and customers, and will be selling CLIC merchandise through its network of over 250 stores.


Jessops’ fundraising include news of the appeal – including a ‘CLIC-ometer’ to report on the appeal’s fundraising total – on its Web site.

