Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

CAF chooses secure e-mail communications package

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has chosen SafeGuard PrivateCrypto from Utimaco Safeware to secure its e-mail communications.

SafeGuard PrivateCrypto will enable CAF to achieve secure e-mail communications with the many charities it works with throughout the world. By using PrivateCrypto, CAF can securely send and receive e-mails containing sensitive financial information. The organisations with which it works will have to make little or no financial outlay in order to communicate securely with CAF.

Roger Sleet, IS technical consultant at CAF, said: “At CAF we need to be able to send and receive money and financial information electronically with organisations as varied as some of the largest charities in the world to small local Scout groups or parish churches. We needed to ensure we found a solution that would not only provide the complete security we required, but that was easy to use and manage for the charities we work with.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

“Charities wishing simply to receive encrypted emails from CAF do not have to install the software, and for those organisations wishing to securely send e-mails, SafeGuard PrivateCrypto can be installed for only £20,” said Jackie Groves, UK managing director of Utimaco Safeware. “This makes the solution ideal for environments of this type.”

Utimaco Safeware says that SafeGuard PrivateCrypto does not rely upon complex central infrastructures or expensive additional hardware, so it is “simple and cost effective to implement.” CAF is currently rolling out the solution which is expected to go live fully next month.

