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Gift Aid Consortium wins DM Intelligence Award

Howard Lake | 7 October 2002 | News

The Gift Aid Charity Consortium has won the fundraising category of the Marketing Direct Intelligence Awards held at the Grosvenor House Hotel.

The Consortium, run by telemarketing agency Pell & Bales, charity data specialists Occam Direct Marketing and DM agency The Response Team developed a comprehensive contact strategy to enable charities to work together to acquire donor Gift Aid Declarations as cost effectively as possible.

The Consortium initiative involved pooling participating charity databases and sharing communication costs to mutual supporters to acquire a single Gift Aid Declaration. This Declaration is then valid for all of the charities they support. The Consortium approach was well received by donors and has provided all charity participants with a positive return on investment – some estimated to be as high as 1:15.


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Since its formation three years ago, more than 26 charities have been involved in the Consortium raising an estimated £2 million in additional revenue between them.

Anthony Newman Direct Marketing Manager, Cancer Research UK, said: “The Gift Aid Consortium is a highly profitable and donor friendly way of making the most of the huge opportunities of the Gift Aid scheme. What was potentially a complex campaign was handled with such professionalism and efficiency by Pell and Bales, Occam and The Response Team, that its required minimum resource.”

Contact: a href=”mailto:pd*********@Pe**********.uk” data-original-string=”qMB+HZY/MWLXPlsU3t+vIhI2oeb/cdY9keriZrKtNoM=” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.”>Paul de Gregorio at Pell and Bales

