Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Microsoft donates banner ad space on MSN

Howard Lake | 15 March 2001 | News

Starting in January, Microsoft began donating six months’ banner advertising on its MSN portal, equivalent to 500,000 impressions per month. The space is being split between Microsoft’s four chosen charities, Leonard Cheshire, NSPCC, Age Concern and AbilityNet.

Starting in January, Microsoft began donating six months’ banner advertising on its MSN portal, equivalent to 500,000 impressions per month. The space is being split between Microsoft’s four chosen charities, Leonard Cheshire, NSPCC, Age Concern and AbilityNet.

Leonard Cheshire’s first of two two-week slots goes live on 19 March. Their banner will drive visitors to a competition, where they have a chance to win one of ten DVD players by answering three questions about the charity’s work. The answers can all be found on the Leonard Cheshire Web site.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

View the Leonard Cheshire banner advert and look out for the ads on MSN from Monday.

