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New discussion list for fundraising writers

Howard Lake | 13 November 1999 | News

CharityChannel, the US e-mail discussion list hub for non-profit staff, has launched its latest list. Development-Writing is devoted to all aspects of writing for nonprofit-sector fundraising and development. This includes grammar and usage, but is intended to cover much more.

CharityChannel welcomes participants to post questions about the style and substance of any of the written documents and resources used in development offices. These could include proposals, campaign materials, letters, brochures, direct mail pieces and even internal communications.

The list will be moderated by Andrew Grant. Stephen Nill of Charity Channel welcomed Grant on board: “He brings considerable experience in development writing and has many years in forum creation and moderation behind him. He was the first to suggest the new list, an idea that received enthusiastic support from the CharityChannel panel of volunteer co-moderators. Andrew is joined by Michael Wyland, an experienced development consultant with a strong writing background and, like Andrew, considerable experience in moderating forums.”


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