Is anyone there?

Howard Lake | 21 July 1999 | News

E-mail might travel at the speed of light, but messages can take a lot longer to generate a response. It is not just charities that are taking their time to respond to e-mail enquiries, but well-resourced major UK companies too.

E-mail might travel at the speed of light, but messages can take a lot longer to generate a response. It is not just charities that are taking their time to respond to e-mail enquiries, but well-resourced major UK companies too.

Marketing agency Rainier Ltd found that nearly half of the FTSE100 companies either did not reply to e-mail enquiries or took an unacceptably long time to reply. Translating this to charities, that could mean a lot of unhappy donors and perhaps even some missed donations.


Read UK Fundraising’s report.

